This baby's a boy! (For those of you who didn't know). And we can't agree on a name for this baby either!!! Rewards are being offered to anyone who can come up with something Nate and I can agree on. Clock is ticking! Less than 4 months to go. Props to Trish and Sarah for putting the first names in the running that neither Nate or I threw out immediately! I'll keep you posted girls!
In other news, we are moving to California this week. The movers arrive wednesday, and as soon as they are done, we'll be on our merry way to the hottest place in the nation. I'm ecstatic, oh wait, I'm lying. I sure hope I have a better attitude once we get there, settle into our house, etc. Since our lives have been completely chaotic for the last month, I'd love to quickly update you on what's been going on with us since this will most certainly be the last post in Logan. The pics probably won't be in order, cause I've got too much to do today to make things look pretty! But enjoy none the less!!!! We love you!