I enjoy change. I thrive off it, really. I got very accustomed to packing up everything I owned at least twice a year as a college student. Even after we were married, the longest we ever stayed in one place was one year, to the date. While in school, I always had new semesters to look forward to, which brought new information, new people. As a working adult with no classes, at least the seasons would change and I could revel in that! These days, as a stay at home mom, living in a home we own, in the desert, with a husband with a real job, there is not a whole lot of change going on. My walls are newly painted, and my furniture can't be arranged in any other way. So, itching for something new in my life, I did what any girl would do; I sporadically dyed my hair during nap time. The excitement was everything I intended it to be. I felt new, different, refreshed. For about 2 days. Then I was bored again. So I took more drastic measures.

I feel great, so alive. :) Every time I look in the mirror, or wash my hair, or better yet, actually style it!, I am invigorated again. Laugh all you want, it's how I cope. Let's hope the edge lasts at least until Christmas when I get to be rejuvenated by snow in Utah!
Speaking of good looking hair...
Tee hee hee. Fleece blanket + baby's head=loads of fun and laughter.