Can you guess which one was Nate's prizae winning pumpkin? Hey Stace, that one has a wonky eye!

Tosha and I being princesses, of course.

Here is Tosha's husband, Eric. Man, he makes a good yoda!
Tuesday night we went to the Jason Mraz concert with my old roomie, Robin and her hubby Brad. And thanks to Brad's brother it was totally free (which is why we went)!!! Robin and I had a blast singing all night, dancing in our seats, and oogling over Jason's sweet dance moves. our husbands said they had a good time, but you wouldn't know it by looking at them during the show. They both looked like bodygaurds, just standing there with their arms folded. Oh well, great night none the less! Jason Mraz was such an entertainer and he is incredible live! I highly recommend him in concert.

That's our friends, Robyn and Brad on the screen at the concert! She sent in the pic, and it got chosen. SO cool!!!

I did take video of Jason singing my very fave song, Lucky, but on the video you can mostly just here me singing, and I thought I'd spare everyone.
Wednesday I got the chance to babysit my nephews and niece. They were in town from cedar city for a funeral, and they came and hung out with me for a few hours during the viewing. I took them to the Blue/White Scrimmage game. It's the first scrimmage of the season open to the public, and it's a lot of fun to see the new bball team play for the first time. It's totally free, and all about free stuff. We had a blast trying to catch all the free giveaways, which we got quite a bit of. My friend Shanell came for awhile, and the kids loved her. Go Aggies!

Kolby, Addie, Landry, and Shanell

Addie getting her free Macey's ball autographed by Big Blue. Kolby had his autographed too, but he was too fast and I didn't get a picture.
Thursday my parents had to come to town for just a bit, so they came over to see our new house and we chatted for awhile. I really love just hanging out with them, funny people.
Friday (Happy Halloween!) was a party pretty much all day at work. Most of the office dressed up and we had trick or treaters for the afternoon. I love Halloween! I played scary music all day, and we even had the lights low in our office with orange lights all over. Who knew work could be such a good time?! My niece and nephews that were in town even surprised me and came to trick or treat with me at my office. That night, Nate and I had a jack-o-lantern pizza and went to the first exhibition game for bball that night, and Shanell and her lil bro came with us to. Nate and I really love the bball games; we think we call the shots for the team and know better than anyone what they're all about. It's my favorite. I still had my costume on cause I didn't have time to change from work, and Shanell didn't like that I was getting a lot of stares. Big Blue even came out of nowhere and kissed my hand during the game! Nate nearly had to beat him up. :) After the game, we met up with some friends to watch "a scary movie". Fire in the sky? Worst movie ever, I definitely would not reccomend it.

This was the view from my parking lot on Halloween morning. Besides it just being a gorgeous sunrise, it was totally orange!!! Perfect for Halloween.

These are my coworkers, Leslie, Irene, and Karen. We have way too much fun.

Irene was static cling, and she complained when she got to work that she couldn't rat her hair, so Shanell helped her. :0

My friend Robyn, who also works on campus, came over to show me her sweet action costume. She looked great, and what's even better she LOVES johnny depp.

This is everyone in my office that dressed up for Halloween. What a good looking bunch!

Here's Irene and her cute lil' family; her husband, Dan and her son, Oscar. Can you guess what Oscar was for Halloween?!?

This was our dinner Halloween night. I thought it was so cute! It was the yummiest pumpkin I've ever had.
Saturday we went to the Aggie football game, of course, and what do you know, we won!!! Those games are always much more fun when we actually win. It was a beautiful day for football and we had a great time. We spent the evening with my sister and her fam since they were leaving the next day.
Sunday we went to my mom's and had dinner with nearly my entire family, minus one sister. That hasn't happened in ages! As crazy as my family is, I love spending time with them. You never know what's going to happen; it's always an adventure. Leaving late that night to come home to Logan, we were exhausted from such a busy week and here it was monday again already!
After lots of fun, we're back to normal life. Nate attended the Tech Expo yesterday on campus. It's where a bunch of companies show up to try and recruit. He got three immediate interviews setup for today and placed a ton of resumes. He's working really hard in school; we're more than halfway through the semester!! Thank goodness. I'm looking forward to The Twilight movie and the Holidays, so my hubby can be around more often. Looks like we might get some snow this weekend; it's freezing in Logan right now! (really, it's about 32 degrees) Gotta love it.