The Holidays were wonderful. The time off from work and school was wonderful. Spending so much time with family and eating way too much good food was wonderful. And now we're back to real life.
Nate has started his last semester of classes, and though its only been a week, it feels like he's been going for months. He's working very hard, as usual, to keep up with his classes and get his research done. Now that we are back in reality, let's remember the good ol times from the lovely holidays.
PS: Hold your mouse over each picture to view the captions.
We spent New Year's Partying with good friends, and being old and married and leaving at like 1230. I actually took a small nap after work, just to be prepared; I thought we'd be up all night. Alas, New Year's Eve just isn't what it use to be. We had a couple of Nate's old rommates, who were in town for Christmas, come over for games and treats, and we had a blast!! I'm quite sure if those boys hadn't found such awesome wives, they would have lived together forever. I laugh so much when we all get together; I just love it.

Wish us luck with our resolutions, new classes, travels, and whatever else may come! And the very same to all of yoU!!!