We had so many fun little random things go on the last couple of months, but I've been too busy to post on them. So here's the whirlwind update! (Not really in any particular order)

We had our first Frontrunner (the train that goes from North Ogden to SLC) experience. I was super excited to sit on the top, cause it's a double decker. Turns out it's really not that exciting. But convenient!

We had a really fun party in Pleasant Grove for Nate's nephew, Sammy. He turned 2.

This is my youngest nephew, Landry. And he's pretty much happy no matter what's going on around him. Thank goodness for Landry.Grandma couldn't handle the reptile house. She made me take the kids to see the snakes. (No one tell her two of her four grandkids held a snake, and loved it!)
Here we are on our wagon ride. You can't see Grandma holding her face together behind Trayson's head, but that's how we all remember Grandma for that entire day. It's a very long story, but it's pretty much the main reason I vow to never attend baby animal days again. Watching my mother fall to her death has scarred me for life and I will forever associate it with baby animal days.
We all ended up surviving, my mom barely.
So that's our random life for the last couple of months! Nate finished all of his classes and is now working on finishing his research. He plans to defend his thesis at the end of the summer. I'm just working working working. Right now is the busiest time of year for us, and I'm dying trying to keep it all together! So if anyone has any pull with people that travel at the University, I'd really appreciate you to tell them to not travel until August, please. It would really make my life a lot more enjoyable. We are loving the beautiful weather, working in the garden, and enjoying exercising outside. And we've LOVED this three day holiday weekend!