and I just can't hide it!! (Sing it, Stacey)

I have an uber clean house, thanks to these bad boys.

I'm packing for our vacation home!!!

I'm so looking forward to getting out of this miserable heat, LOTS of family time, swimming, fishing, dirt bike riding, shopping, barbeques, softball games, even haircuts, dentist and eye doctor appointments! Civilization!! ;)
But most of all, I can't wait for...

It's my favorite holiday, BY FAR! I'm in the spirit already :)

And this little dude now:

Which is pretty darn exciting, too!!!!
6 month stats:
(Besides finding his voice, meaning squealing like a pig when he knows he should be quiet-such as during prayers, eating vegetables, rolling off the couch, and giving slobbery kisses like a pro, he's grown quite a bit, too!!)
Head circumference= 17.75 in, 75%
Weight=19.5 lbs, 75%
Length=28.75 in, above 100%
Weight for length= 30%
Happy holiday weekend!!