Isn't he handsome?!
This pic was taken earlier this month when Nate went recruiting at USU and we got to visit family. My mom had this costume from a previous grandchild, so we were seeing if it would fit Evan. It had no legs, so it was a no go, but Evan still seemed to think it was pretty funny!
Speaking of Jack O Lanterns, when you ask Evan to show his teeth and say "AH", this is what you get.
Afterwards, because you are usually laughing, he is pretty proud of himself.
The latest addition to our family, Evan's first top tooth.

He now has three pearly whites total, though this only shows two, making for a very handsome Jack-O-Lantern just in time for Halloween.
Our little pumpkin currently spends all of his time climbing, expecially up things he shouldn't... he can stand up, and attack things he shouldn't.
He is trying to go for the computer here. He is fascinated by the bouncing icon on the screen. He tries to catch it. :)
Here he was climbing up my knee to attack the camera.
But he also spends a whole lot of time just being cute.
He really loves playing the belly game with daddy, where daddy pats Evan's belly while simply saying, "Belly, belly, belly" in his deep daddy voice. Mostly, he just loves playing with daddy.
Mommy and Daddy currently enjoy spending their time doing whatever they can to make Evan laugh and laugh and laugh.
We just love our handsome little jack-o-lantern!