Don't worry, this was definitely not about me. I have zero desire to ever run a marathon. But our friend Tim did! Tim was Nate's roommate for a couple of years, is still his best gym buddy, and a very good friend of ours. This was his first marathon he's done, so way to go! We decided to go be his fan club.
About 100 yards from the finish line
Wahoo!!!!! Tim did awesome!!! He was unhappy, because he had to walk a little bit, and thought he wouldn't have to. But his time was excellent, and he finished!
Tim placed 14th in his age group. Pretty dang impressive for a first time marathoner, I think.
That night we went to the USU/Idaho football game and tada...the rain brought us good luck! We won!!! And I had to take a picture because it will probably be the only time this season that happens. No offense, Aggies. I still come to your games.
Our life here is currently good. I totally love my new job, really, it's great. Nate and I don't really ever see each other, but sometimes I can go have lunch with him in his office since I am on campus too. Speaking of lunch, mine is almost over and I gotta go! But atleast there's a little bit of an update to all of you who care about us.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Top of Utah Marathon
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
HOORAY!!! For several things.
First and foremost, I got a job today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much to all of those prayers; I am indeed greatful. It's not exactly a job that's going to change the world, but somebody's got do it. Starting Monday, I will be working for Utah State University in the Controller's Office, doing accounts payable, payroll, travel, etc. I am SO excited to have gauranteed weekends and holidays, done by 5 everyday, and insurance! It will be great to have the same schedule as Nate, and it certainly pays more than what I as getting at Curves. Hooray! Go Aggies!! Next, I finally get to update my blog! With pictures of the last couple of weeks. Nate was home for dinner, but had to come back up to the school for a little bit longer, so I came to so I can use the internet. Hooray! Oh how I miss it. Just an update on our lives besides my job hunt, I no longer have a husband. This is by far his hardest semester so far. He isn't even working an spends an average of 13 hours a day on campus. Poor Nate, i definitely do not envy him, but admire him for his dedication and hard work. Maybe in December I will see him again. Oh yeah, and thanks a lot to all those of you who have never told me I say "chh" a lot. I seriously never even knew, but apparently everyone else does! I guess my husband is my only real friend. ;)
Fuller tradition states that every Labor Day you must attend the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Although this year was cold and rainy (completely opposite from normal), we still had a pretty good time. I loved the cake decorating contest. For those of you that don't know, I spent my first two years in Cache Valley working at a bakery and part of my job was decorating cakes. So I sincerely appreciate the time and effort these people go to for such extravagant cakes. Here are my faves:

The spaghetti cake. The noodles are all frosting, the meatballs were blackberries, the sauce was gel frsoting, and the parmesan was powdered sugar. I had to look closely to even realize this was a cake! I loved it! So creative.
The mad hatter cake took first place. Nate's dad didn't like it, he said it looked sloppy. I said that was the point. How the heck they've got that cake staying in place is way beyond me.

I just had never seen a cake quite like this before, but am convinced we will do this for my sister Stacey's wedding one day. Spikes and all.A purple cake, of course I loved it. I also liked how they stacked it; I enjoy the floating look.

These were the ribbon placing pumpkins. I wish I would have had a picture with a person in it too, so that you could compare them to real life. I've never seen anything like them. Here is the prize punkin, blue ribbon. 829.5 lbs! Trayson could've ridden this pumpkin. Unreal.
The following weekend, Nate had to be in slc saturday morning, so friday night we headed to pleasant grove to stay overnight and see our cute nephews and their parents, Nate's brother Matt and his wife Katie. We hadn't seen these guys yet since we've been home from VA, and even before we left, it had been a long time. So this visit was long overdue.
Here is Sammy, rocking my sunglasses. He was laughing so hard at himself, but when I told him to look at me so I could take his pic, this happened to his face. I love it.Sam is a big jazz fan, and he really liked wearing Nate's warmup jacket.
After Nate's thing in SLC satruday morning, we went to visit my lovely sister Stacey who lives there. Our fave burger place back east just opened a joint in south salt lake, so we took her to experience the greatness. Five Guys is just as good in Utah as it was in Virginia. Stacey is now hooked too, and we might be making trips down her way more often.
We were planning on stopping at my parents on our way back home to Logan, and Stacey decided she wanted to come with us. Trayson was so shocked to see both of us walk in the door, 'cause he didn't know we were coming. He was ecstatic to say the least!
Here's Trayson caught in the moment of giving Stace some love.
We ended that fun weekend with a truck demolition derby (our only one this summer! tears)with some friends back in Logan. This awesome beast of a van came out one round, and we were all so excited. We thought it would just eat all of those other little trucks, and then it couldn't even start when the round began. He had to pull his flag within the first minute. Pretty dissappointed in the van, but it was a great derby. I highly recommend truck derbys!
Our fun this last weekend was attending the ward campout. We LOVE camping! The night ended up being pretty chilly, but we still had a good time. Seeing as how this was our only camping this summer as well, we took advantage of every minute.
Nate and Zach spent the evening cuddling in the the camping love seat in front of the fire. Zach's wife Callie told me to take this picture. :) How cute...
Everyone kept telling me this summer that once we got home, we were going to be so bored. But so far, every weekend has still been packed with fun! I am so happy to be home, spending lots of time with friends and seeing my family. Yes, we did have a great adventure this summer, but I wouldn't trade being home for any of it.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
This silly tagging game
I have been "tagged" a few times since being a part of this blogging world, and have never managed to play the game. This summer, it was usually because we had so many other things that needed to be blogged I didn't have time for tag. Now, because I am still unemployed and feeling a bit guilty, I will participate. But I am combining some of the previous tags all to this one. Brandy, I'm doing this because I really love you. ;)
3 joys
1. My husband
2. Exercise
3. Sleeping
3 fears
1. Balloons (I'm not even going to go there to try and explain. Please don't show up on my doorstep with balloons, I will probably cry.)
2. Heights (But I love trying to conquer it.)
3. Losing family
3 goals
1. Get pregnant (one day...)
2. Find a job!!!!!!
3. Lose 11 pounds
3 obsessions/collections
1. Utah State! (Especially basketball)
2. Spiderman
3. Pictures. I really love pictures.
3 quirky facts about me
1. Besides being afraid of balloons and being obsessed with the Aggies? :) I am a little bit OCD, only with certain things. Like how I fill up a glass for water and how I brush my teeth, those are the main ones. Other than that, you may just say I like organization and tidyness.
2. I cannot handle unneccessary windshield wipers action. I suppose this is just a pet peeve, but it's quirky. It drives me bonkers to hear the squeak against dry window. How can you just let that go?!
3. Nate says I have a sound; I say "chh" a lot. Apparently a whole lot. It's the one thing he said he would change about me if he coud. Isn't that funny? I don't even notice. Let me know if it drives you crazy too!
I imagine if you were to ask my husband about quirky things, he could name a whole lot more than me. I don't realize all of my weird ways, because to me they are normal!
I only tag those who think this sounds like fun, becuase if you are like me, you will respond when you get around to it and are good and ready!