I remembered a friend doing this craft on her blog a REALLY long time ago (right, Sarah?), thought it was cute, but didn't have a need for it at the time. Well, lucky for me, I recently was in need of a clock. So, I found my old one we got years ago, and spruced it up to fit my current, crafty style! It's always fun to see something go from old to new, especially knowing it was all totally free!!!

Materials used: Old clock that could use a makeover, scrapbook paper I had on hand that matched my bathroom colors and was pretty clever with the clock theme, leftover paint in my garage from when the walls were painted in our house. I just used a sponge brush, and did kind of a light coat of paint so that it was streaky and showed a bit of the original wood. It gave the clock a "used" look to it, and I like it. I also used modge podge over the scrap book paper before putting the hands back on. But I would not recommend doing so; it made me paper bumpy instead of flat and smooth. Or maybe you are better with modge podge than I am, and you can pull it off. This was a lot of fun, quick, and free! I'm pleased.
In other craft news,
My creative friend Ashley helped me create this advent type countdown to Valentine's day.
On the back of each heart is a cute little poem that gives an idea of service to show to someone else that day. It's such a fun addition to my Valentines decor, and I have loved that it's helped me think of others, instead of focusing on all the chocolate I want from the stores. The scrapbook paper Ashley had, and she used her Cricut to cut the heart and numbers. The clothespins were from the dollar store and I just painted them black to tie it all together. And the garland it's hanging on is also dollar store!Yay cheap and cute!
Now, I know exactly what you are thinking...how can she go TWO posts without a picture of that handsome guy she lives with????
Evan and I were enjoying a little Wheel of Fortune action this morning. He LOVES to clap along in this show. But today, he decided he should be clapping with his feet, instead. I was trying so hard not to laugh so that I could get a picture, but I was shaking, so the pic is blurry. Plus, he looked when the camera beeped and got embarrassed. From there, he decided to just nibble on his toes for awhile instead of feet-clap. Have I mentioned lately how he's my favorite? Oh, and that other guy I live with? My other, favorite handsome one? He's been getting "14 Days of Valentines", so he'll be getting his own post sooner or later. Happy Thursday!