Three little bird managed to hang out with Trayson one morning. He even got one in his hand. It was pretty much the best day ever.
The first day after Daddy left us to go back to CA...I apparently should not be left in charge of my own children.Chilling in the bumbo AND holding a toy-what a little multitasker!
Only at Grandma's house does everyone get their own pool
Crazy little rooster!
First swimsuit of the season! Oh my goodness, I wanted to die she was so cute. Unfortunately, she was also too long. We had to return this one.
Aunt Mandy's fabulous outfit for Lilly! She was so well put together, even her binky matched. (Notice hand in pocket=adorable!)
Sleeping just like mommy! :)
Riding the flying goose at the fountains
Utah's version of Disneyland's World of Color. Definitely no where near as cool, but for Utah, it was a pretty neat little place.
Nanny Stacey and Lilly bonding after their month apart
She is just so stinking happy! I heart this girl.
And she hearts when Grandma Susan eats her toes.Grandma would stop, and Lilly would lift her feet up for her to do it again. She seriously loves it.
Best babysitter ever!!!
Swimsuit #2. This size 6 month suit fit my 2 month old :) We kept this one. Plus, it was only $5!
Evan was a quick learner when it came to the slip and slide
Well, this seemed like lots more fun than sliding, I guess.
This is all that little boy needs in life, some grass and some water to play his little heart out. Thank heavens for Utah summers!
Lilly on the other hand, was not so sure how she felt about all of it...Good thing she was stylin' though.
Tetherball anyone? 1982 anyone??
Too cute...
"Look at that biggest tractor, Mommy! I want to drive on it!" "Uh, how about a picture instead, Evan?" "Yeah, that would be really, really cool!!"
This dinosaur horse was our favorite of the historic horses that come out in Ogden for the 24th of July, because it could chomp on us!
The biggest flowers ever!
He has the best aunties...
My fabulous old roommate gave this onesie to Lilly, and it's pretty much my favorite thing that I have ever owned
Go Aggies. They are #1, in case you can't tell :)

The epitomy of summer fun
Part 3 of summer fun includes That Famous Preston Night Rodeo-stay tuned!
1 comment:
Lilly is getting SOOO big!! I'm sure you can never hear it enough, but your kids are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! And I love that you said "1982 anyone?" under the pic with the tetherball. I laughed out loud.
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