After Nanny Stacey left, we had a few weeks of being just us before we trekked off to UT/ID for our annual summer trip. It was already SO hot in June, so we spent a lot of time like this.
And mostly like this.
Lilly hardly ever poops (weird, I know, but apparently it's fine), but when she does, watch out!
She can't ever play alone. I guess it's better than him not liking her...
"Mom! What's with all the pink?!"
Staging my own photo shoot :)
Entertainment at Kmart. Yep, that's how exciting our town is.
Always cuddle in the morning.
Her first shots at 2 months; guess they didn't seem to bother her?!
A real true Aggie at heart
Though I'm really crossing my fingers he chooses the basketball path. He's too sweet for football!
Packing for our trip. Why do kids need so much stuff?!
Evan came up with the idea to put stickers all over his mouth all by himself. It worked out really well for everyone!
Watching the fire on the hill in Fillmore entertained us for about an hour of our long drive. (I hope you have stopped burning up, Utah!)
Trayson thought Lilly was very cute
Lilly meeting her only Great-Grandma. She was perfect and smiled the whole time for Gram B.
My 4th of July babies!! (I really love me some 4th of the July)
Sparklers at the Fuller home
Beautiful huge moon in Preston
Lilly was excited to chat with Grandma Fuller and tell her all about life since she had seen her last.
Evan and Daddy at the 4th of July parade. Yay parades!! That's all I asked for my 4th of July, was a parade. And I got one!
Baby slept through the whole parade. She will learn to love them someday.
Trying on mommy's new sunglasses
Silly baby
So sweet when they're sleeping...
Have you seen anything more adorable than daddy-daughter tummy time?! I mean, come on.
We got to go to our favorite mountain spot! Played in the river, fished, roasted hot dogs. One of the best nights of our trip, for sure. We miss crisp mountain air!!
I'm sure Lilly loved the outdoors, too. It was so peaceful to her, she slept the whole time :)
Nate got to go fishing with his Dad (he looks forward to this every summer), and he caught quite the haul! I guess he has to make up for the rest of the year of no fishing in one day.
Leaving Preston to head to North Ogden for some more fun, Evan was pretty well done with being in the car. And this was only the beginning...
Part 2 of our summer fun coming soon!
The Power of a Good Neighbor and Friend
1 month ago
Fun to read, glad you got to go on a big summer trip, cute kids
pretend this is a telegram, the kind you read about where half of the words are missing :-)
Yay for awesome sisters. I bet that was so nice to have her there. Lily is getting SO big. I love her chubbiness. The blow out picture is hilarious. Even rarely pooped either. Which I was not used to because Anna did several times a day. But he was fine. But when he did. He made up for lost time! ;) Why am I talking about poop again??
Why do you never tell us when you're in town? I'm starting to get a little offended...
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