So it was my birthday last week, and much to my surprise my fabulous husband gave me tickets to Broadway!!! I was utterly shocked, he is so dang good at surprises.

The musical of choice...

I was SO excited! I have the soundtrack and just love it. I couldn't believe I was actually going to see a show on Broadway!

Along with letting me sleep in and not go to work, he gave me this giant bag of Costco trail mix I have really been wanting. :) I'm easily pleased.

Here is the yummy triple berry cheesecake he gave me. We still have some was gigantic, but it's purple! He's so thoughtful.

PS here is our new house we are in. I said I would post one. Don't you love the porch? There is a swing there that I really enjoy. We really like it here.
Here is the first view we got as we stepped off of our bus. It is still so unreal to see such a huge building. But people in New York would probably say the same thing about my mountains.

The typical tourist shot of Times Square. I was a bit overwhelmed at first with all of the people, but it got much better as the day went on.

Nate was really excited to see "the garden"

And I was totally stoked that I was on BROADWAY!!!!!

Look who we found in the middle of Times Square! Singin' his pants off (ha ha ha)

Nate tried to make me go stand with him so Nate could take our picture, but I refused.

I found my favorite pal in Planet Hollywood.

Nate found his, too. We saw The Dark Knight and Nate is on a joker kick.

Here is where TRL is shot; this picture is for Stacey.

I really loved Central Park, even though it was raining.

As I'm sure most of you know, Central Park is HUGE. This picture is showing how it's just right in the middle of the city. Crazy!

This street was totally blocked off from traffic and it was just lined with vendors. We got some super sweet fancy $5 sunglasses.

We HAD to try a New York hot dog, for my dad, and they were disgusting. Most definitely the lamest $2 hot dog ever. Aren't these supposed to be famous or something? Mega gross. Nate says my dad's New York onion sauce is 90 times better than the actual New York onion sauce.

It's totally against the rules to take pictures inside the Theatre, but Nate snuck this one before the show started. Spectacular!! Center seats, too.
I couldn't belive that we were really here! I was loving every second, trying to soak it all in.

After we came out of the show, I just couldn't get enough. I was a bigger fan than ever, now having actually seen it, and was taking pictures of everything Wicked.

A bird's eye view of Ground Zero.
They are working on building The Freedom Tower in their place.

There is a flag that survived from the day the towers were hit and it is hanging right above where the new tower will be. The flag is dirty and ripped, and it's very humbling to see it.

Here is a giant billbooard showing what the freedom tower will look like in 2012.

It is so hard to imagine two gigantic buildings taking up this space, yet at the same time, it is so stange to see a giant hole and gap amongst all the other tightly wedged buildings.
This is the merchant marine memorial in the harbor. It kind of made me sick to my stomach.
There she is! Smaller than I expected...
Nate waiting to board our ferry, in his new sexy $5 aviators.

A breathtaking view from our ferry on the harbor looking to the south end of the city.
The north end of Manhattan; can anyone find the Empire State Building?
Ellis Island...very cool
I have to constantly look at this picture because I still can't really believe that I was there!

Nate was really happy to go to NY again, it's been since he was in high school.

As Nate told me as I was clicking away on my camera, you can never have too many pictures of Lady Liberty. And since it was such a perfect sunset night, I couldn't resist.

New York Harbor. All ships have to enter in through the same route-past Ellis Island and in front of the Statue of Liberty before docking. Interesting...

The Statue is positioned directly east, toward Europe, so Nate is waving to our friends Chris and Brittany in France.
One last take; sometimes I think I am a real photographic genius, until someone's head gets in the way.
New York has manufactured everything, even waterfalls. I guess they felt left out or something, so they have several of these ugly waterfalls all over the harbor. They cost millions of dollars and are supposedly some art form. Whatever-weird.
This is Brooklyn, with it's crazy waterfall-the tallest of them all.

The infamous Brooklyn Bridge

Random waterfall underneath the bridge; I thought it an odd place to put one, but the whole things is odd anyways.

Trying to be picturesque again. The bridges, looking into NY.

Nate's engineer brain was pondering about going under this gigantic bridge that was SO old, built by some measly engineers. This part of our ride made him very nervous.

I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of our ferry ride. What an awesome hubby I have, and what an awesome birthday!

Our fancy ferry-my first time riding a boat in the ocean!

It's been some time since I have seen such a spectacular sunset. Maybe it was all of the open sky, or being over the ocean...
Or maybe it was just such a wonderful contrast from the nasty New York subway! Nonetheless, I absolutely loved it, and thought it was a perfect end to our day.
Monday night we had our good friends Ben and Kaylyn over for dinner and FHE. We have had so much fun spending time with them this summer and creating some really great memories. Kaylyn flew back to Utah tuesday and Ben will go Friday. Thenm, the day we leave here to start driving home, they start driving to Texas for Ben is going to get his PhD down there. We had a great time on Monday, and ended with, of course, Killer Uno. Those Uno cards have gone through a lot this summer. :) We will be waiting at Christmas time for a rematch, Cummings'!
Last night, the crew at Curves took me to The Melting Pot as a going away party. I'd never had fondue, but I'm pretty sure I ate enough last night to do me in for the rest of my life! Thanks girls!