with any of these guys:
It depresses me to think of Nate and I (and maybe a brand new baby that we won't know what to do with) in the desert, with no snow, by ourselves, and nothing to do.
Or perhaps I'm depressed because this weekend we are supposed to be here
at Utah State, for Nate's graduation. I cried when Nate told me it was this weekend. I'd like to say it's just crazy pregnant hormones, but it felt like the cherry on top of nothing going my way. He has already been mailed his actual paper degree, and he says that's all that matters, that paper got him a job. But I really, really wanted him to get to go to his own graduation. He says it wouldn't be any different than mine, but it is, because he would be getting hooded for his Master's also, and I think that's pretty special. Plus, I'm quite sure this is the only time he will be graduating from college! Although it is currently about 2 degrees in Logan, I would give anything for us to get to be there. Even if Nate says he doesn't care, I'd still appreciate the closure I'd gain from watching him graduate. An engineer's wife should get a degree just to say their marriage survived (all nighters on campus, never having dinner together, etc).
I'm not trying to gain any pity votes, I'm just hoping getting this off my chest will brighten my attitude a little. Yoga, long walks, and even holiday treats only temporarily satisfy. Perhaps if I were better at keeping a journal, I wouldn't have to bore unexpecting bloggers with my woes. I really don't have anything to complain about; we have a good life here in Ridgecrest, and are so thankful for all that we have. There is a healthy baby about to change our lives forever, and I should be greatful to be able to experience this life-changing event at such a special time of year. I'm sure I will look back at this post one day and scoff at how silly I seemed. This could very well turn out to be the most special Christmas we will ever have. I need to just remember that we were blessed to get pregnant when we did, and the Lord has everything in sight for us. So here's to me bucking up. Hopefully.
Since the beginning of our time here in Ridgecrest, we have heard about the train man. A retired engineer who REALLY loves trains, and has over a mile long track of train you can ride in his backyard. He decks out his land at Christmas time and gives away "tickets" to come for a ride. A little while ago, Nate started a class through work, where he gets to go the train man's garage once a week and learn about machinery, or something. A few weeks ago, Nate told me we were in! Train man had given him a "special invite" to come to the train ride in December. We felt pretty darn special, since we'd heard so much about this train. And I was so excited to put something to look forward to on the calendar! A few days ago, Nate brought home The Ticket, and as I was reading the rules on the back (yes, there are rules), one of them said: No pregnant women allowed. What kind of crazy train is this?! I was so bitter. But wasn't going to miss out on this, because it's such a big deal! We had tickets the same night as our friend's The Hill's, so I decided I could be the designated photographer for the evening, while they all had their train fun. Ashley, Kendall, Tyson, and Nate waiting in line. (Don't worry, it's not snowing. I was just on a strange setting on my camera).
The place was LINED with cars, and we waited in line for probably atleast a half an hour. It seems that everyone in Ridgecrest had a special invite! And here I thought we were a big deal.
Well, Christmas came early to our house last week. It all began when I got my email confirming that the pack-n-play had arrived at my local Walmart and I could go pick it up. Yippee! Nate likes that it monkeys, I just like that it's so cute. We had some leftover money from the baby shower, and were so excited we could get this.
The next day, the UPS man dropped off a VERY large box on the doorstep. I had no idea what it was and I couldn't handle the suspense! I finally mustered up some energy and dragged it just inside the door (so it wouldn't get stolen, cause who wouldn't want a big giant box?!), but it was on it's side and it was too heavy for me to turn, so I had to wait for Nate to come home to even see what it was. Much to my surprise...
It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Pie Night. We were so happy to enjoy our Pie Night here in Cali with new friends and make it feel a little more like the holidays (70 degrees just isn't helping me get in the mood). We loved having a house full of people, and felt that the night was a definite success. I always mean to take pictures during the actual event, and this night, I even made my way to my camera about 3 times, but it just never seems to be able to happen. But I do always remember after. We had LOADS of pie leftover:
S.S.S.S.=sunsets, sharing time, shower, and scar. That's what's been going on with us lately. This beautfiul sunset the other night reminded us we really do live in California.
We had never seen such long, skinny clouds before. This must be those beautiful desert sunsets we've heard about.
I LOVE October. I LOVE fall. I LOVE Halloween. Nate loves Jack Skellington, and The Nightmare Before Christmas, hence the title of this post. That song has been stuck in our heads all weekend.
We had a fun, festive weekend. Friday we spent time with friends carving pumpkins, eating yummy treats, and playing games. It finally started to actually feel like a holiday! Here's our front porch on Halloween night; I thought our bright orange door really added to the Halloween spirit. Maybe we can get rid of it now that the holiday is over :)While picking out pumpkins last minute, I decided I wanted to try and create a pregnant pumpkin. But I'm really not artsy enough to get any creative ideas flowing. And Nate, my creative brain, was busy. So my very crafty friend Rachel came up with the idea: