Evan had his 4 month well-baby check this week. Notes from the Dr: "Well, he's got flirting down.", "My he's a strong little guy, isn't he?", "He is darn close to sitting by himself.", "Perfectly healthy, perfectly happy, he's pretty perfect, I'd say!", and my ultimate favorite (which I get told just about every day) "He's really tall for his age." Well, Doc, we'd be worried if he wasn't. That's how we know he's ours!!
Current stats:
Head circumference=17.5", 95%
Weight= 16.5 lbs, 80%
Length= 26.5", 95%
Weight for Length percentile= 30%
Here is Evan today, bathing it up."Mom, I think we need a bigger tub. ASAP."
I just have to include some pics from Evan's very first bath, at about 2 1/2 weeks old.Can you believe this guy? How is that the same baby?!
And just for fun, here is a little bit of what we've done lately. (Trey, your post is coming. Soon. I Promise.)
Evan is getting really into books. We read every day. One night he and his friend Tyson, who absolutely LOVES books, had a grand ol' time reading together!Who knew reading was so much fun?! They sat for quite awhile as I went through each of our little books.
Do you see what I see?I see some big daddy feets and some little tiny baby feets swinging in the hammock.
One of these things is not like the other...Either Daddy is definitely not supposed to be napping or Evan is!
My two favorite HAPPY boys!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
We'd be worried if he wasn't.
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I love Nate's beard! I bet you make him shave it next week...
I agree! Evan is definitely awesome, but I think Nate's facial hair is even MORE awesome!
Hey. Your husband has something on his face!
Anyway, Evan sure is cute. It is a marvelous day when they do sit up by themselves cause then they can move into the big bath tub. At least that is what we had to do because our Evan also outgrew his. He is a tall one, but definitely not as tall as yours. Geesh. Does Nate already have athletic plans in mind for him? ;)
I sure like Nate's beard! (But don't tell him I said that if you don't like it)
Riley is only 6 inches taller than Evan. That may sound like a lot, but I don't think it is considering their age difference. And I'm sure Nate is already teaching him to play b-ball. :)
And, I'm pretty sure if we had a hammock in a backyard like yours I'd be sleeping too!
I hope you are enjoying the hammock too! It looks wonderful! Your little guy has a personality!
What is up with his facial hair?
What does his Dad think?
What!? Trey gets his own post? I want my own post (I'm assuming there is something that I don't know about going on here.)
But, does Trey get a visit from the Fullers? I think not! HA! I'm assuming the time is coming quickly, so let us know how you'd like us to fix our spare room for you guys to move in with us. This co-habitating thing should work out well, I think. (Chris thinks that Nate should be able to tele-commute, blowing up stuff here just as well as he could there.)
Is my Sharpie missing?
Love that last picture!! So cute!!!
What is your baby doing sleeping in a hammock with Che Guevarra?
I know everyone else has said this but really, Nate your face? I hope Evan pulls it out hair by hair.
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